About Us


Morefertile® aims to redefine fertility treatment options for professionals and the public. We bring innovation and multiple treatment choices to a complex subject area.

Morefertile® introduces personalised medicine frameworks and natural treatment options to help practitioners and their clients identify ways to optimise natural fertility.

Keep it simple

Fertility medicine is a complex and potentially confusing subject. Detailed introductions to each fertility condition and the researched treatment options complement and expand your existing knowledge base.

Personal Choice

Morefertile® is all about personal choice and personal uniqueness. Not everyone needs or wishes to have the (sometimes unavoidable) invasive and expensive treatments like IVF.

We can introduce the concepts of personal health dynamics with the morefertile Personal Fertility Profiles (PFPs) to identify the six key patterns that alter fertility health.

We believe that optimising personal health to raise fertility is crucial to having healthy children. Understanding what drives lower fertility empowers positive change, which we can support with targeted PFP advice.

  • When clients follow their PFP advice it supports your treatments
  • The .com members dashboard identifies which articles will inform and motivate clients
  • Treatment options (diet, supplements and herbs) are tailored to clients profiles
  • Membership brings access to fertility and general health tests

PFPs & herbs

The PFPs are based on oriental medicine frameworks, and robust research shows that herbal prescriptions given according to the different PFPs significantly improve menstrual cycle dynamics, and in cases of unexplained infertility are: [i]

  • Twice as effective as IVF
  • Three times as effective as clomiphene nitrate
  • Half the miscarriage rate of clomiphene
  • 1/10th of the cost of IVF

Research clearly shows a significant rise in conception rates between the third and sixth months of taking the herbs.[ii] We recommend clients take the herbs for at least six months to increase their chances of natural pregnancy and to improve their chances with ART should they pursue it.


Morefertile is ethically brave, honest and fair

  • Morefertile is independent, professional and self-funded
  • Unrestricted access to quality fertility information is available on morefertile.com
  • Natural approaches are provided whenever possible
  • All the products we offer are ethically sourced and excellent value for money

Vision & Values

Our Vision is to create a brand that instils pride within the company, our partners, and their clients.
We aim to raise higher standards and expand opportunities for healthcare
professionals by providing them and their clients with excellence and choice.

Our Values reflect this vision and include…


We are committed to finding new ways of enhancing our service, which stems from a client-centric approach that lies at the heart of our company.


Every decision we make, collectively and individually, always comes back to how our clients will benefit.


We take pride in what we do and aspire to the highest standards of professionalism in everything we do.

Continuous Learning

We empower our team to be their best, and provide our clients with the information they need to achieve their personal goals successfully.

Team Ethos

The concepts and various aspects of morefertile® are born out of a desire to provide you with the tools we use to effectively treat couples seeking help growing their families.

[i] Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in the management of female infertility: A systematic review. K. Ried, K. Stuart. Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2011) 19, 319—331
[ii] ‘Measuring the effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine in improving female fertility.’ Trevor Wing and Elke Sedmeier. Journal of Chinese Medicine. 80. Feb. 2006. 22-28

Our Team

Morefertile is a very different fertility site that promotes natural and proven ways to increase conception rates and raise health.

Justin Hextall

BSc(Hons), Lic Ac, MBAcC, DipCHM, MRCHM, DipTCM(Gy/Obs)

Justin is an acupuncturist and herbalist with over 20 years of clinical experience. He has researched and written the content and created the PFP format to explain and engage a wider audience in the benefits of oriental medicine.

Shane Ambridge

Shane is an IT expert who’s led the team building the site.